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Services for Schools

General Consultation

Educational Success Alliance can guide your team and/or school through designing, evaluating, or restructuring your special education or student support program(s). We can help identify your needs, strengths, and how you can build a program to ensure all of your students are progressing.


Individual Student Support

Educational Success Alliance can design individual student support plans and visuals, helping to address student educational needs in your building. This can include collaboration with school staff and families, and completion of observation(s) to identify possible areas of need, strategies and target goals.


Professional Development

Have a need? Let Educational Success Alliance design a professional development session to engage your staff in realistic, productive, and relevant learning. Topics can include but are not limited to: modification of curriculum, accommodations, specialized instruction best practices, data collection, IEP writing, compliance, strategies for students with attention difficulties, dyslexia, learning disabilities, brain injury, autism spectrum needs, sensory needs, etc. 


Reach out and describe your need: Educational Success Alliance would be happy to design a professional development session that works for you! 



©2018 by Educational Success Alliance LLC.  

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